Sunday, May 5, 2019

An example of organized community harassment sponsored by the authorities (Cutler Bay/Fla).


Greetings! My name is Mr Nizin R. Lopez, I'm a 43 year old Cuban-American artist based in Miami/Fla and I also happen to be a targeted citizen, a victim of organized community harassment sponsored by Law Enforcement, the Intelligence Community, and third party contractors. I'm talking here about a secret long-term unconstitutional surveillance program designed to neutralize outspoken-politically incorrect free thinkers that are designated as enemies of the state, even if they are innocent-harmless law abiding citizens that pose no real threat to anyone.

You might say to yourself:

"What exactly is organized community harassment"

Basically, the target is systematically harassed in an organized fashion by civilians that are recruited by the so called authorities. These agent provocateurs will use all kinds of unethical means in order to harass and intimidate the target every time he is in the general public. I'm talking for example about acts of provocation, choreographed street theater, noise campaigns, , mimicking, invasion of space, directed conversations, engineered collisions, orchestrated synchronicities, entrapment...etc. All kinds of horrible things.

The idea behind this 'no touch torture' is to cause a nervous breakdown in the long run, to destroy the isolated target emotionally and psychologically though negative aversive stimuli and dark neuro linguistic programming. The target is harassed 365 days a year, 24/7, no matter where he goes. Most of the "Foot Soldiers' that mess with the target are bottom feeders. So, it is not unusual to see homeless looking-handicapped people doing this kind of thing to targeted individuals.

There is a particular perpetrator of covert harassment in the Cutler bay area that has been harassing me for a while, he's been messing with me since mid 2018 and we're on February 2019. This guy is a handicapped old man in a wheelchair, he can walk but he's always holding his wheelchair. The Perp usually appears by bus stop # 00013 which is right by the South Dade Regional Library (not far from the MDPD South District Station). So yeah, this guy looks innocent but he is not innocent, he's a perpetrator of organized stalking.

Basically, when I get to a certain bus stop in the Cutler Bay area, this guy shows up and he stands right next to me, to let me know that I'm being watched. He usually clears his throat, coughs, spits, or does strange hand signals. By 'hand signals' I mean for example Squeezing of the nose, placing a hand on the mouth, rubbing the eyes, etc. He acts erratic on purpose. We're talking here about negative aversive stimuli and dark neuro linguistic programming. The idea behind this covert harassment is to let me know that I am under constant surveillance. They want me in a state of anxiety and hyper-vigilance. The puppet masters who enlisted this clown, they wanna let me know that I am being watched at all times (they want me to feel helpless).

When you are a targeted individual, the folks behind the program are gonna recruit a swarm of grotesque looking people in order to bombard your psyche with negativity. These civilians are gonna be strategically set up at specific locations since the harassment campaign is based on choice reference patterns and on situational scenarios.

On 02/02/2019 for example, about 1:50 PM, I went to the Dadeland South Metrorail Station in order to catch either bus 38 or bus 31 (whichever one got there first). As I stood by the bus stop of bus 38, I noticed this particular 'Surveillance Team Member' that has been harassing me in Cutler Bay since mid 2018. As soon as I stood by the bus stop, he showed up and he stood right next to me with his wheelchair, to let me know that I am being followed.

Though I don't have any evidence to prove it, I believe somebody who is affiliated with Law Enforcement gave this guy a ride to the Metrorail station. They picked him up (from a rehabilitation center?) and then they dropped him off there so that he would "coincide" with me. Of course this is not a coincidence, this is an orchestrated synchronicity.

So, I was standing by the bus stop of bus 38 and the guy stands right next to me. I walked a few steps to bus stop # 00006, the bus stop of bus # 31 (in the Dadeland South Station of course). Guess what! The guy followed me with his wheelchair and he stood right next to me exactly. Then he started erratic doing weird hand signals. This transpired at 2:17 PM.

It would be extremely easy to identify this perpetrator of organized community harassment: On 02/02/2019 he was at bus stop # 00006, the bus stop of bus 31. At 2:20 PM he boarded bus 31. He tapped his bus card exactly at 2:20 PM, that card has an ID # and a chip (probably a Golden passport card). The bus that he boarded was bus # 5160 (I even know the OP ID #). And yes, this Citizen On Patrol has a cell phone (and a handler of course).

                              (perpetrator of organized stalking recruited by the authorities)

If let's say, a Miami Dade Police Officer called him up in order to pick him up and then drop him off at the Metrorail Station on 02/02/2019, that call is registered in a database. If this Perp has been contacted for example by the folks who work in the Southeast Florida Fusion Center (HSB/SEFFC), that call is registered in a database that cannot be erased. What kind of people work in the Fusion Center? Well, we're talking here about Homeland Security Bureau, Miami Dade Police Dept Headquarters, partnership with the FBI....etc. The targeted individual program is a multi-layered inter-agency program. One way or another all the Institutions of State are complicit in this criminal harassment campaign....this includes of course homeless shelters, rehabilitation centers, medical centers, psychiatric hospitals, etc.

So, not only it is possible to identify this 'Citizen On Patrol', it is possible to identify the ones who enlisted him. It would be interesting to ask him the following questions:

1- Who recruited you? A social workers? A cop? Who?

2- When were you first contacted?

3- What exactly did they tell you about the target?

4- What were you told about the program?

5- Who picks you up so that you can go mess with the target? A cop?

6- What's the agency that compensates you with money and gift cards, InfraGard? Citizen Corps? Citizens On Patrol?

7- What kind of incentives do they give you? Cash? Gift cards? Some type of benefit?

If we were to have tangible/verifiable evidence that the Fusion Centers are the command center contract stalking, it would be interesting to ask them the following question:

"Who or what gives you the right to intimidate, harass, and terrorize targeted individuals? These are innocent-harmless law abiding citizens that pose no real threat to anyone! Who the hell do you think you are? What you're doing is not only corrupt and immoral, its evil. It goes against all civil liberties and privacy interests of all U.S. citizens!"

The former NSA Intelligence analyst Karen Stewart (a targeted individual herself) stated in an interview with the Kev Baker Show that the Fusion Centers are the command station for organized group stalking. She also stated that the perpetrators of this crime are enlisted through InfraGard. This is what the U.S. government is doing with your tax payer dollars!...they are harassing peaceful-outspoken U.S. citizens...

Thank you very much for your time, bye.

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