Dear Attorney General of Fla Ashley Moody:
If you're reading this message that means it was not intercepted, that's good. My name is Nizin R. Lopez, I'm a 44 year old Cuban-American Artist based in Cutler Bay/Fla. I am contacting you in order to denounce a hideous crime that is being perpetrated against me here in USA: Contract stalking and electronic harassment sponsored by corrupt folks in positions of power. Yes, I am a watchlisted individual, a silent hit. I am an unwilling participant in an experimental Government torture program. I've been experiencing organized harassment sponsored by the authorities since Jan 2011 until the present. This thing ruined my life. You might be saying to yourself:
"What exactly is organized harassment?"
Well, this is not easy to explain. Covert harassment, organized group stalking, community based mobbing, pro-active policing, or managed aggression is pretty much a form of political repression, extra judicial punishment. Organized stalking is a secret program of the U.S. Government designed to destroy Targeted Individuals emotionally and psychologically through dark neuro-linguistic programming and negative aversive stimuli (trauma based conditioning/de-patterning). We're talking here about a multi-layered inter-agency program: Law Enforcement is behind this, the Intelligence community is behind this, and contractors are behind this as well. Yes, we're talking here about the Fusion Center Crime Syndicate: DHS/FBI/High-Tech Militarized Police/Private sector (HUMINT).
"How does the harassment work?"
Well, we're talking here about heavy overwhelming-multi layered vigilante stalking. This is done to me every single time I go out into the general public, 365 days a year. The unjust systematic harassment is done by a group of people in an organized fashion using unethical means to torment, preoccupy, agitate, intimidate, and terrorize the isolated victim all the time (no matter where he goes). I'm talking about acts of provocation that are very well camouflaged: street theater, invasion of space, intercepts, noise campaigns, vulgar gestures, color sensitization, mimicking, directed conversations, engineered collisions, orchestrated synchronicities, setups! Obstruction of daily activities based on choice reference patterns, they know your precise coordinates at all times. You're under constant surveillance (active surveillance).
The Target is exposed to a stressor outside the range of usual human experience, he's kept in a state of anxiety & hyper-vigilance (in a state of functional disorientation) until he finally breaks down, after years of indescribable psychological abuse. Basically, the harassment is meant to create a toxic-artificial external reality, they wanna push you over the edge. Most victims of this program end up homeless, in jail, or in psychiatric institutions...isolated, with no support system (ostracized).
Who are the "Agent Provocateurs" recruited by the authorities that constantly harass the targeted citizen in an organized fashion? They are called Surveillance Role Players or Confidential Human Sources, they believe they are patriots and heroes serving a noble cause; they come from all types of social backgrounds (they are compensated with cash and gift cards). These mindless automatons are brainwashed into believing that the target is a really bad person: a terrorist, a murderer, a sex offender, a wife beater, a drug trafficker, a thief, etc. A professional defamation campaign! These perps are enlisted through community programs such as InfraGard, Citizen Corps, and Neighborhood Watch. They use a special 'App' on their cell phones to share info, We're talking here about a clandestine civil-military operation.
There is no doubt that the command station for organized stalking is the Fusion Centers (there are seven Fusion Centers in Fla). The primary multi-agency intelligence sharing network in Florida is the FFC/FDLE which is located in Tallahassee (under the command of Scott Mcinerney). And the Fusion Center that is the closest to me is the HSB/SEFFC which happens to be the Fred Taylor-Headquarters for the Miami-Dade Police Dept. Who's in charge of the SEFFC? Answer: Capt. Brian Rafky. The coordinator of the IngraGard-gangstalking network in South Florida is Kyle Scheatzle. And the Director of the Miami-Dade Police Dept is a guy named Alfredo Ramirez III (Jorge Colina is the Chief of the Police).
Overall, contract stalking is psychological warfare, a secret illegal long-term unconstitutional surveillance program designed to neutralize outspoken-politically incorrect free thinkers that are designated as enemies of the state (even if they are just innocent-harmless law abiding citizens that pose no real threat to anyone).
So, here's what this all comes down to:
I've never done sh*t to anyone but the Government is working overtime in order to put me in jail under a false narrative. They are going around spreading lies brainwashing people into believing that I am a murderous sexual predator. Where is the tangible verifiable evidence supporting their wild allegations? If their claims are true, why don't they arrest me? And where are my accusers, where are the so called victims? They harass, isolate, and terrorize innocent people but they protect criminals like the Hialeah cop Jesus Jessie Menocal Jr who sexually abused an underage girl in 2015 (Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fdez Rundle protected him until she no longer could). How come they don't put this guy in the targeted individual program and force him into involuntary celibacy? How come they don't torture him with directed energy weapons on a regular basis? Aren't they vigilante hunters testing secret military technology on serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles? Joe Biden is a creepy guy, how come they don't mess with him?
Let's go ahead and look at the big picture...the leader of clandestine operations in the CIA, Elizabeth Kimber, she doesn't know anything about this nasty mind control-behavioral modification program? General John W. Raymond, commander of the Airforce Space Command, he doesn't know anything about satellite weaponry and microwave bullets? The director of the DIA Robert P. Ashley, he doesn't know anything about neuro-warfare weaponry? The Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, he doesn't know that targeted individuals are being tortured with pulsed microwave weapons, forced to lash out? David Rampulla of NIBIB & Peter Highnam Director of Darpa, they don't know anything about illegal implants and remore neuro monitoring? The Director of the National Security Agency Paul M. Nakasone, he's never heard about the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network? The assistant attorney general of the National Security Division John Charles Demers (DOJ), he doesn't know about this legalized lawlessness? The Director of the FBI's terrorist screening center Charles H. Kable, he doesn't know this horrendous surveillance abuse is taking place? The Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis David J. Glawe, he doesn't know about these black ops? The president of the National Fusion Center Association Mike Sena, he's never heard about gangstalking and non lethal weapons?
Of course they all know this is going on! This is an unacknowledged special access program funded by the CIA, a military neuroscience experiment. The program is a combination of coordinated stalking and electronic assaults; inextricably interwoven. Every test subject is microchipped with a biometric ID that allows the handlers to remotely srimulate areas of his brain affecting brain chemistry and bodily functions. They spend approximately $1, 000,000 a year on each targeted person. They got mainstream media on a leash so that they don't spill the beans. The media outlets don't have a problem legitimizing the stories of U.S diplomats harassed with sonic weapons in Cuba and in China, yet they refuse to validate the testimony of thousands of U.S. citizens that are being tortured with organized stalking & electronic assaults in America. The puppet masters behind this personality disintegration program will do anything in order to justify a multi-million dollar National Security Counter Terrorism/Corporate Military Intelligence/Police State Complex (I know for a fact that weapons manufacturers like Lockheed Martin benefit from this).
These are war crimes!
So, here's a summary of the things they can do to you with this futuristic-otherworldy technology (think of your brain as a computer and think of your thoughts and emotions as electro-magnetic frequencies). They will implant you with highly advanced nanotech that resonates with your bio-frequency, neurotech that allows the puppet masters to remotely stimulate areas of your brain and affect bodily functions. Computer generated brain mapping: your brain will become an EMF broadcast antenna, your unique brain wave signature operating as a cell phone (transmitter-receiver: biotelemetry-electronic brain link). They can see your decoded thoughts in digital format and they can insert artificial thoughts into your psyche in order to modify you against your will (a bizarre re-education strategy). We're talking here about bio-robotization pretty much. All your mental data is uploaded into their AI super computer that predicts behavior based on past choices.
The torture menu:
1- Artificial telepathy-long term behavioral modification/inversion process: When you are asleep the handlers will implant artificial thoughts into your psyche (dream videos of sexual debauchery and images of violence). The idea behind this is to make you believe those are your real thoughts when they are not...virtual counselors raping your mind on a regular basis (trauma based mind control). Think about the effect, the impact this will have on the test subject if this is done to him for an extended period of time. Keep in mind that the target is exposed to organized community harassment every time he is in out there in public settings, repeatedly. The coordinated stalking and the electronic assaults go hand in hand. Also, remember that the target has been isolated for years, sexually starved.
2- Dream interrogation-bio cybernetic communication: When the target is asleep he will experience dream interrogations, the AI will forcibly interact with the subject's consciousness exposing him to situational and conversational scenarios...basically, to see what the target really thinks and believes about specific things, his convictions and core beliefs (Guantanamo detainee interrogations in virtual space). All this information is uploaded into their super computer (digitally decoded evoked potentials).
3- Remote neural monitoring/tracking: The handlers have access to the target's thoughts in digital format, audio-visual info in digital format in real time. They can see what you see and they can hear what you hear, they can see your decoded thoughts in their monitor (electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts). There are people that have been given a top security clearance getting paid to monitor your brain activity. Your mind no longer an autonomous zone, they can even access your visual memories.
4- Control of sleep patterns: They can use this technology to deprive you of sleep if they want to using encoded signals. They will remotely stimulate an area of your brain causing insomnia, temporarily (modulated frequency in order to impose information on that specific brain area). They will do this for a few days, then they will let you sleep, and then they will do it again. Keep in mind that this is combined with the organized intimidation stalking (the target is in a hypnotic controlled state). They will deprive you of sleep to irritate you and then when you are out there in public settings they will send you a street thug that will try to provoke a fight.
5- They can use their psychotronic weapons to callibrate your vision remotely, to make your vision blurry. They don't want you sending emails to Human Rights organizations exposing the targeted individual program. They will mess with your vision so that you won't even be able to see what you're typing in your computer. How is it possible that one day you see fine and the next day you can't even read what you're typing in your computer?
6- Directed energy weapons: They can attack you with pulsed microwave beams that will cause pain, they can inflict pain in any part of your body. They can target organs, they can inflict pain in your stomach for example. You will feel as if your rib cage is on fire and you will feel involuntary bowel vibrations, contractions (causing diarrhea).They can calibrate the beam, make it more painful or less painful. So, if the target sends a certified letter to a TV channel trying to expose the T.I. program they will torture him to force him into submission (to silence him). It is clear that they can take out anybody they dislike with an artificial heart attack that generates no forensic evidence.
7- Intermittent twitching-involuntary contractions: They can use the technology to cause involuntary bodily contractions (as if being hit by an electric jolt). They can target any muscles and cause spasms and they can target any internal organs. The target will feel the intestines or the appendix being squeezed by a waveform (like a grip). He will feel involuntary vibrations, tremors. They can for example cause mechanized intermittent vibrations in the rectum to humiliate the target, they can calibrate the pulsations (like a cell phone vibration type of thing). They want the target to feel helpless.
8- They can stimulate the nerves in your vertebral column causing inflammation and pain. They can calibrate the intensity of the pain, more painful, less painful. The target will be able to tell this is being caused by an external source cause there will be an artificial feel to it.
9- Artificially induced joint stiffness: This technology affects the target at a molecular level, this is a technology that makes you sick (affecting the immune system). They will use their non-lethal weapons to cause pain in the joints, to debilitate you. They will make you feel pain in your wrists, when you flex your arm you will feel that your elbow has become rusty all of the sudden; and if you try to do bend your knees they will hurt. How is it possible that a healthy-athletic person feels good one day and the next day he feels like he has osteoarthritis? You will hear your bones making a cracking-popping sound, in some cases you will feel as if your bones are gonna pop out of place. Imagine the psychological effect this will have on a person that goes to a gym on a regular basis.
10- Induced atrophy: they will use their mind-rape neuro weapons to affect your sexual performance. The remote neuro influencing allows them to cause partial erectile dysfunction. Plus, they can calibrate the flow of seminal fluid during climax if they want to (bio-robotization).
So yes, we're taking here about Government agencies trafficking the brain wave signatures of illegally targeted citizens. Is this not modern day human trafficking? Is this not predatory behavior? Is this not torture? Is this not sadism? A total violation of human sovereignty! Keep in mind that I am not the only targeted individual in USA, there are thousands of victims out there. And guess what, in the near future they're gonna sell this technology to the unsuspecting public as some harmless-benign uplifting Neuralink thing, the kind of stuff Elon Musk is advertising. How convenient...Covid-19 is the perfect excuse to microchip the entire population with a vaccine that will work as an immunity passport, a biometric ID.
One last thing: Can I prove in a Court of Law that the Government has been harassing me and torturing me with organized stalking and secret military technology for years? The answer is yes! I can prove it.
The folks in charge of the medical center I go to in Cutler Bay are aware of my situation, they know that the Police is torturing me with coordinated stalking and directed energy weapons. This is something that affects my health. The folks in charge of '-- ------- Medical Center', not only do they know; they are involved. They don't want to be part of this thing but they are involved, at least indirectly. They are being forced to conspire against me, against their will (they fear retalliation from the Government). If the FBI were to scan the cell phones, text messages, and emails of the people that work there they would find more than enough evidence, hours and hours of conversations that would implicate the Police and perps that want to discredit me. It's just of a matter of if the FBI wants to do the right thing. The evidence is there, data accumulated for years.
The people in charge of this medical center know that I am documenting everything so they might be using different cell phones with a special App so that the calls cannot be traced (perhaps the Police gave them other cell phones). My psychiatrist Dr ----- ------, she knows I'm being tortured with pulsed microwave weapons. My medical doctor Dr ----- -------- he knows about this satellite technology, these hazardous non-lethal weapons. Dr ------ and Dr -------- are not bad people, they are good people. They are excellent human beings. They refuse to acknowledge my situation as a targeted individual because they fear retalliation from the Government.
-- ------- Medical Center, ----- --- ------ --, Cutler Bay/Fla, 33189. USA.
-- ------- Medical Center, ----- ----- ----- ---, Cutler Bay/Fla, 33189. USA.
Thank you so much for your time Ashley, I appreciate it. If by any chance in the world I die of cancer, you know that the Government took me out with their DEW's (evertthing done silently and then they blame it on a virus).
Signed: Mr Nizin R. Lopez.
For the entire month of June and July 2020 the Police has been torturing with their pulsed microwave weapons, causing intermittent contractions in my internal organs (pulsed mechanized vibrations like the vibration of a cell phone). It is hard to fall asleep when you feel a beam, a waveform causing tremors-vibrations in your bowels (a very ugly-uncomfortable feeling). It is clear that this is electronically induced.
I can definitely prove that the Miami-Dade Police Dept has been harassing me and terrorizing me for years with coordinated stalking and electronic harassment. I know the name, the phone number, and the address of a person that has been harassing me in an organized fashion for years: my landlord (she is a nurse). She is a perpetrator of organized harassment enlisted by the Police.
She has been exposing me to all kinds of orchestrated scenarios and camouflaged acts of provcation for more than three consecutive years. I live in a small efficiency on the left side of a house, an efficiency with a separate entrance; completely separate from the landlord's household (Cutler Bay/Fla, 33189). I moved to this place around May 2017, I've been a model tenant and I always pay the rent on time.
You might be saying to yourself: how can I prove that my landlord is involved in this thing? The evidence is in the landlord's cell phone and in her emails. We're talking here about data in digital format that has been accumulating for years. Every time she gets a phone call or a text message from the Police crime syndicate or from perps in the neighborhood, that call and that text message is registered in a database that cannot be erased (the FBI could find this easily). There might be a possibility that the cops gave her another cell phone so that the calls cannot be traced back to her. So yeah, I can prove in a Court of Law that this lady has been tormenting me for years.
The Police is covering for her, this is clear. If this nurse is unmasked as a perpetrator of organized harassment, that's not gonna look good for the Police. I know for a fact that she wants to evict me from my place, she wants to expel me (I know too much). Keep in mind that I am a psychiatric patient on disability. She's been using all kinds of covert tactics trying to provoke me, hoping that I respond in the way that she wants me to respond so that then the cops can arrest me under fabricated charges.
We're talking here about corruption on steroids!
Here's a list of the kinds of things my landlord has been doing to me for years, just so you have an idea of they kind of shit they put me through:
llegal entry into my residence. It is my belief that the cops installed hidden cameras inside the efficiency prior to me moving in. They watch everything I do in my place. Since the cops have me under constant surveillance and watch everything I do inside my place, they know when I am about to leave and they know when I am arriving. I don't have any evidence to prove it but I know for a fact that my landlord has been inside my efficiency several times, without my consent (following instructions from the Police). So yeah, the cops watch everything I do inside my efficiency, at all times.
Orchestrated synchronicities: the cops, since they know when I am departing and when I am arriving, they'll call my landlord and give her instructions. When I arrive, my landlord, her husband (or boyfriend), or her mother in law will be dragging the trash container to the front of the house. This will happen right at the moment when I show up. As soon as she sees me she will start coughing loudly or she will squeeze her nose or something. Or if I am leaving the house, the same thing. one of them will be dragging the garbage container or putting something in the garbage. Keep in mind that they have exposed me to this grotesque scenarios repeatedly, for years: negative aversive stimuli and dark neuro linguistic programming.
More orchestrated synchronicities: another funny trick that they play is to stand by the door of their house right at the moment when I am leaving or when I am arriving. As soon as I appear in the scene either the landlord, her husband, or her mother in law will be there looking at me and then enter the residence, closing the door. They do this to let me know that they know when I am leaving and when I am arriving. They want to let me know that I am being watched, they're trying to intimidate me.
Setups: there have been times when they moved the green garbage container right next to the front entrance of their house, their territory (to force me to to go there). Obviously they're forcing me to approach the entrance of their house. They wanna make it look as if I am trespassing, as if I am trying to invade their space. They want to videotape me by their portal, they want to create a video record; they want to create the illusion that I am invading their privacy. They realized that this trick was not gonna work so they stopped doing it in July 2020.
My landlord, her husband, and her mother in law showed up at my door several times making a very unusual request: they would ask me for a kitchen knife because they got locked out. Basically, they would tell me that they forgot the keys inside their house and that they needed to use a knife to open the door. I thought this was very unusual and bizarre (they have done this many times). I came to understand that what they wanted was to videotape me walking by the front of their house with a knife in my hand, to make me look like a crazy-dangerous individual. They came to understand that this trick was not gonna work, they stopped doing this.
The efficiency I live in has four walls and an exit (a small place). The wall that faces the street appears to be made out of wood. Meaning that if somebody were to bang on that wall from the outside, I would hear a loud sound inside my residence. On many occasions, countless occasions I have heard a loud bang on that wall, usually in the morning. Obviously, somebody is banging on that wall, as loud as possible. This is a provocation, to make me upset; hoping that I go outside angry (to videotape me engaging in an argument). It is clear that the person who does this is trying to trigger an emotional response. This went on for a long time but they stopped doing it in July 2020.
In 2019 the cops planted an underage male teenager in the back of the house, in a small trailer that the landlord installed; a trailer in the yard. The idea behind this was to expose me to orchestrated situational scenarios constantly, to see if they could force me to interact with this kid somehow (which is creepy). For example, even though this kid had the entire yard for himself, he would exercise right outside of my place (a few feet away). On one occasion I noticed that he seemed to be videotaping me with his laptop, in a camouflaged manner. On another occasion the landlord's mother in law gave me a letter that apparently belonged to him. Hoping that I would open the envelope by mistake so that I would be accused of mail tampering? I received strange phone calls and weird friend requests on Facebook during this time. I believe the idea behind this whole thing was to cause friction between the kid and I, so that the cops could accuse me of some type of harassment or something (he moved out right before March 2020, then the landlord built a fence dividing the yard; restricting my area). The parents of this minor, they don't know anything about this? I don't know if this is human trafficking or not but it sounds like it.
Hazardous noises: There have been times when the landlord engaged in small construction projects that have caused a great deal of noise for a period of time (for days). I'm talking about intermitent-hazardous noises with power tools and hammering, especially in the mornings. After a while I came to understand that this was not something happening by chance. For example, I have heard them using a drill many times, on and off (a power tool that causes a great deal of noise). It is clear to me that this was not something happening by chance.
In mid March 2020 the landlord installed a sophisticated fire alarm system wired throughout the entire house. If there is a fire inside her residence, I will be exposed to extremelly loud-hazardous noises in my place, even though my efficiency is completely separate from her residence. A manual fire alarm was installed in my efficiency right next to the exit, approximately 4 feet above the ground (the one that has the 'push in-push down button'). The folks who installed it made sure to put it at a very specific height, hoping that I would bump into it by accident with my chest or with my shoulder. If I were to bump into it by mistake the alarm would be activated. This would be registered in a database and my landlord will be able to use that against me; to make it look as if I am doing this on purpose.
I have received strange phone calls from unknown numbers. When I answer, the person will either hang up or will say something, hoping that I engage in a conversation. I suspect these are neighbors who live in the area, people that have been harassing me for years (perps that have been in touch with my landlord). They call and hang up hoping I call back so that they can say that I am harassing them. Or, they call and they say something, hoping I say something out of line (something that could be used against me somehow). So, I am a victim of organized community harassment sponsored by the Police but they're trying to twist everything around, to discredit me.
I could go on forever with examples. I know that this whole thing sounds crazy but this is the kind of shit I've been dealing with, for a long time. Now you know.
(Mr Nizin R. Lopez: Truth seeker)
On 07/31/2020 I received an email from the Office of Citizen Services/Fla Attorney General's Office, at 12:05 PM. The email was sent from to They confirmed that the letter I sent them was received.
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