Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus/Covid-19 is a fabrication of the Global elite. The real agenda behind it is Remote Neural Monitoring (total control).



BEFORE YOU READ THIS: Please understand that I am not a professional writer, I'm just a regular guy.




The year is 2020. You live in New York City, in the United States of America. You work in construction, you woke up at 6:00 AM to go to work. You work hard, really hard; when you get home around 6:30 PM you are exhausted. You get a Corona beer and sit in your leather couch. You turn on the TV to watch the News. All of the sudden you see all these journalists flashing a message into your psyche:

"Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan/China, a very contageius respiratory infection becomes a global pandemic, an existencial threat...cases in Asia, in Europe, in Africa, in Latin America, and in North America, yes, in the United States! Negative impact on the economy, recession...cover your mouth, don't touch your face, wash your hands, avoid physical contact; stay in your house; curfew!"

You can't believe this is happening, you feel as if you are in a virtual reality type of thing. People walking around in supermarkets with their mouths covered, like zombies (in a state of panic). This can't be real. Right? But is is real, very real. The world that you knew has been taken away from you all of the sudden, an emergency management situation has become the new normal. You feel like you are in a movie. It almost feels as if society, the society that you have known was nothing but a feverish pantomine, an illusion. Society on lockdown: Now you are in the real world!

The folks in the medical establishment have undegone a transformation, they have become high priests, government officials.
You say to yourself: "there's something wrong with this picture. I don't know what it is, but I know that the Government is lying about something.I just know it."

You are right. The so called Coronavirus is a lie! Covid-19 is a fabrication of the global elite, the new boogieman in town designed to scare the shit out of you. First it was 9/11 and Islamic terrorism, then came the orchestrated mass shootings, then the Republicans and the Democrats cannibilizing each other in the Trump-Pelosi circus, rumors of civil war...and now they came up with a flu-virus that can cause pneumonia: Coronavirus. What is the outcome of all this? Answer: bigger Government, more control. Don't worry, Big Brother is gonna take care of you; just kneel and obey. That's all, get on your motherfucking knees. You need the Government, the Government is God; without the Government you are nothing.

The real agenda behind Covid-19? To implement a National Security-Corporate Military Intelligence-Police State complex where everyone is under constant surveillance, every citizen microchipped with NIH-Darpa implants and on Remote Neural Monitoring (like the 2002 film 'Minority report' directed by Steven Spielberg). I understand this predictive policing stuff sounds like science fiction but this is real (it's already happening). It is not a secret that there are Fusion Centers all over America, these Intelligence sharing networks have access to a classified military technology that allows them to track and monitor anybody-anywhere-anytime: Remote Neuro Monitoring, satellite technology.
First they collect a sample of your DNA, then they microchip you with very advanced nanotech. Once they implant you with these invasive devices they got you. The implants resonate with your bio-frequency which means that the handlers will have access to your unique brain wave signature. Basically, they have a digital map of your brain which means that they can affect bodily fucntions. Now they can torture you! Computer generated brain mapping, brain to computer interface, biotelemetry/transmitter-receiver (integration completion). Think of your thoughts and emotions as electro-magnetic frequencies, your brain as an EMF broadcast antenna; a communications device. Your unique brain wave signature operates as an e-mail address so to speak. You have become a cyborg!

All your mental data will be uploaded into their AI super-computer that predicts behavior based on past choices (some belive this supercomputer is at the Schriever Air Force base, near Colorado Springs).
(on late December 2019 President Donald Trump gave the approval so that the U.S. Air Force Space Command would become the U.S. Space Force. Satellite weaponry)

In this type of society, if the Government labels you as an enemy of the state you will be tortured with psychotronic weaponry: Directed energy weapons, pulsed microwave beams that will inflict pain in your body (wireless technology that makes you sick). Keep in mind that this technology is years ahead of what people know, it is traceless. If you dare to say that the Fusion Center is killing you slow motion with DEW's you will be labelled as mentally ill (mentally unstable and therefore not credible). You will become a targeted individual, and no one will be able to help you. Mainstream media? The gods of perception management will not listen to you, they are part of the cabal. The Judicial system? They will ignore you. You will be lost. Don't be surprised if they land you on National TV under bullshit charges, they will destroy you.

The end of Free Speech is here and it is here to stay. Coronavirus disease 2019 is the excuse they needed in order to completely enslave us. Think about it: What part of your body you use in order to speak against oppresion and injustice? Your mouth. All these civilians wearing face masks because of the Coronavirus, don't they have their mouths covered?
These are some of the things they can do with this futuristic technology known as 'Remote Neuro Monitoring':
1- The folks sitting in front of a monitor in a special section of the Fusion Center have digital map of your brain (they have been given a top security clearance). All they have to do is "click" and they can affect any part of your body. They can attack you with pulsed microwave beams that will cause pain, they can inflict pain in your stomach for example. You will feel as if your rib cage is on fire and you will have diahrrea. They can callibrate the beam, make it more painful or less painful (digital beam forming from the cell tower).

2- They can target any part of your body and cause involuntary muscle contractions, intermitent twitching. They can also cause involuntary bowel movements, you will feel your internal organs vibrating and contracting in a way that is unnatural.

3- They can use their non-lethal weapons to cause an artificial heart attack if they want to. They will target your heart making you feel a slight pain in your heart (they can calibrate the intensity of it). They will do this to scare you, to make you panic.

4- Artificially induced joint stiffness: They will use their technology to cause pain in the joints, to debilitate you. They will make you feel pain in your wrists, when you flex your arm you will feel that your elbow has become rusty all of the sudden; and if you try to do bend your knees they will hurt. How is it possible that a healthy-athletic person feels good one day and the next day he feels like he has osteoarthritis? You will hear your bones making a cracking sound.

5- They can stimulate the nerves in your vertebral column causing inflamation and pain. They can calibrate the intensity of the pain, more painful, less painful. They want to make you feel vulnerable.

6- They can also attack your immune system, to make you feel weak and sick (think of your biology as self-assembling nanotech).

7- They can use this technology to control sleep patterns, meaning they can deprive you of sleep. They will use their RNM to stimulate a specific area of your brain causing insomnia (to torture you).

8- Induced atrophy: they will use their technology to affect your sexual performance. The remote neuro influencing allows them to cause partial erectile dysfunction. Plus, they can calibrate the flow of seminal fuid during climax. We're talking here about bio-robotization, they'll use their technology to break you psychologically.

9- Artificial telepathy and forced behavioral modification: Since your brain has become an EMF broadcast antenna, a transmitter-receiver so to speak, the puppet masters will be able to implant words, phrases, images, and dream videos into your psyche when you are asleep, to re-program you (they want to make you believe that those are your real thoughts when they are not). They want to see if they can modify you against your will over an extended period of time, years. We're talking here about a mind rape operation (EEG Heterodyning/mind cloning).

So now you know what's the hidden agenda behind Covid-19: Full spectrum dominance with satellite weaponry. They have tested these neuro-warfare weapons on illegally targeted citizens for years and now they're ready to put everyone on remote neuro monitoring. Once they collect your DNA and implant you with their NIH-Darpa Implants, it's game over.

It is true that this technology can be used in a very positive way but it can also be used to neutralize dissidents (outspoken-politically incorrect free thinkers).

For those of you who think that I am a crazy-delusional conspiracy theorist with a wild imagination: Remember the U.S. diplomats in Cuba and in China that were tortured with directed energy weapons not so long ago? Go ahead and zoom into that.

Additional information: the first case of Coronavirus took place in China on 11/17/2019, then it spread all over the world. Italy had the biggest death toll so far (mostly older people). It is a very strange coincidence that around November 2019 a statue of the hazardous god Moloch was installed by the entrance of the Roman colosseum in Italy, the Flavian amphitheater. It almost seems as if somebody knew that a great plague was coming. 'Corona' means crown, kingship, and the deity 'Moloch' is known as "the great king" (מלך), a god of tragedy. What we have here is the ritualization of the global pandemic called Coronavirus disease 2019, a manufactured global recession. The re-emergence of Moloch symbolizes the era of Transhumanism, humanity redefined by technology...humans turned into cyborgs. The global elite is behind this, no question about it.

(the Caananite god 'Moloch', lethal like the Tammuz nuclear reactors of Saddam Hussein)

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."

(Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama)

Thank you for your time, bye.



(Mr Nizin R. Lopez: Truth seeker)


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