Dear Governor of Fla Ronald Dion DeSantis:
Greetings! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I really appreciate it. My name is Mr Nizin R. Lopez, I'm a 43 year old Cuban-American Artist based in Miami/Fla. I am contacting you in order to denounce a hideous crime that is being perpetrated against me here in USA: Contract stalking and electronic weapons attacks sponsored by corrupt elements in the U.S. Government. Yes, I am a targeted citizen, I've been experiencing organized community harassment sponsored by the authorities since Jan 2011. This thing ruined my life. You might be saying to yourself:
"What exactly is organized community harassment?"
Well, this is not easy to explain. One could say that contract stalking is bullying on steroids. Organized stalking, covert harassment, or community based mobbing is pretty much a form of political repression, extra judicial punishment. Organized Stalking is a secret program of the U.S. Government designed to destroy Targeted Individuals (non investigative subjects) emotionally and psychologically through dark neuro-linguistic programming and negative aversive stimuli. We're talking here about State sponsored psychological terrorism in the name of social engineering.
And before I continue, yes; I know there are good people working in the Fusion Centers. Yes, I know there are good people in DHS, yes I know there are good people in the FBI, yes there are good people in the Police...I understand this! But the bottom line is: corrupt people in positions of power are behind the targeted individual program and they are destroying lives (no question about it).
As far as the organized community harassment done to me every single time I go out into the general public...the unjust systematic harassment is done by a group of people in an organized fashion using unethical means to torment, preoccupy, agitate, intimidate, and terrorize the isolated victim 24/7 no matter where he goes: community based mobbing done by civilians (based on choice reference patterns). The Targeted Citizen is exposed to a stressor outside the range of usual human experience, he is terrorized 365 days a year, 24/7. He's kept in a state of anxiety & hyper-vigilance...until he finally breaks down, after years of indescribable psychological abuse. Most victims of this program end up homeless, in jail, or in psychiatric institutions...discredited, with no support system, broken in spirit.
Once a targeted individual is labelled as "mentally unfit" his credibility is out of the window. Overall, organized stalking is a secret illegal long-term unconstitutional surveillance program designed to neutralize politically incorrect free thinkers that are designated as enemies of the state, even if they are just innocent-harmless law abiding citizens that pose no real threat to anyone.
Who are the "Agent Provocateurs" recruited by the authorities that constantly harass the targeted individual in an organized fashion? They are called Surveillance Role Players or Citizens on Patrol, they believe they are patriots and heroes serving a noble cause. They come from all types of social backgrounds...we're talking here about men, women, old, young, rich, poor…etc (most of them are bottom feeders). These mindless automatons are brainwashed into believing that the target is a really bad person: a terrorist, a murderer, or a sex offender (a rapist or a child molester). We're talking here about a professional character assassination campaign, a clandestine civil-military operation. Basically, Law Enforcement and the Intelligence community using the civilian sector as irregular forces.
Keep in mind that the Targeted Individual is also subjected to directed energy weapons and other forms of psychological torture, I'm talking about Remote Neuro Influencing technology. In our modern days the military has access to a sophisticated technology known as 'trans-cranial stimulation', some call it "synthetic telepathy" (neuro-nanotechnology). This secret technology of Darpa flavor enables the handlers to insert "thoughts, words, phrases, images, impulses, dream videos, etc" into the target's psyche especially if the highly traumatized victim is in an altered state (in a state of functional disorientation). Thanks to 'brain to computer interface' they can make a digital clone of the target's brain.
We're talking here about a system of neuro-cognitive warfare, AAA: Access, assess, and affect. All the experiences of the human test subject are stored in a super computer that predicts behavior based on past choices, the computer literally resonates with the bio-frequency of the target. We're talking here are a reverse-engineering/behavioral modification program, a military experiment...non-therapeutic non-consensual human experimentation.
The leader of clandestine operations in the CIA, Elizabeth Kimber, she doesn't know this is happening in America? The principal deputy director of National Intelligence Susan M. Gordon, she doesn't know this kind of thing is taking place? The assistant attorney general of the National Security Division John Charles Demers (DOJ), he doesn't know this is going on? The Director of the FBI's terrorist screening center Charles H. Kable, he doesn't know this is going on? The Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis David J. Glawe, he doesn't know this is going on? Of course they all know this sick sh*t is going on!
So, on one hand we got heavy overwhelming multi-layered harassment based on choice reference patterns, then black ops neuro weapons of AFSPC flavor capable of depriving a person of sleep.....a perfected breakdown tactic on the human will. Who is behind this? Well, as I already mentioned: The Deep State Criminal Cabal; this is a multi-layered inter-agency program.
The Fusion Centers are the command station for organized community harassment/stalking, the local Police is involved of course...one way or another all the institutions of state are complicit in this insane vigilante operation known as covert organized stalking (InfraGard/Citizen Corps/Neighborhood Watch, etc). We're talking here about absolute corruption!
Not so long ago, the State Dept spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau acknowledged that the Russian Intelligence was using unethical means in order to harass & intimidate U.S. diplomats in Russia, not so long ago mainstream media legitimized the experience of the U.S. diplomats in Cuba and in China who experienced sonic attacks (microwave weapons). But if I, Nizin R. Lopez, if I say that I am being unjustly and systematically harassed "IN AMERICA" by corrupt people who work in the Fusion Centers and in other places of course, then I am delusional and paranoid. I'm a conspiracy theorist...right?
So my dear friend, basically I am contacting you to see if you can help me expose these domestic terrorists who are behind this Nazi program. I want tranquility, I want peace, I want these crooks to leave me alone. Is that too much to ask?
I would like to respectfully clarify: I am not trying to insult anyone with this letter, I am not trying to be confrontational in a subliminal way, and no I am not trying to demonize the U.S. government. I am very grateful that I have been given the great opportunity to come to America (I'm very proud of the American flag). I just want these corrupt evil people in positions of authority to stop killing me "slow motion".
I am not a criminal: I'm not a terrorist, I'm not a serial killer, and I'm not a sex offender. I'm just an artist into old-school Heavy Metal Rock. These folks in Law Enforcement & in the Intelligence Community that are recruiting 'civilians' in order to harass me left and right, they are spreading a false narrative so that people will hate me. They've been doing this crap since Jan 2011. Years of my life lost!
I ask you the following: How would you feel if you would know that corrupt people in positions of power are going around in your neighborhood telling people that you are a terrorist, a serial killer, a rapist, or a child molester? A defamation campaign....this is how they recruit "Foot soldiers" that will be willing to mess with you every time you are in the general public: Acts of provocations, choreographed street theater, rude behavior, noise campaigns, home break-ins, mimicking, invasion of space, verbal breakdown, engineered collisions, orchestrated synchronicities, entrapment...etc.
This is the kind of thing I've been experiencing since January 2011 until now, we're in 2019! I know that as you read this maybe you are wondering:
"Who pulled the strings so that you would be placed in this program?"
Well, it's a very long and complicated story. Some influential people in Miami/Fla pulled the strings so that I would be crucified through this torture program.
So, here's a summary of what these cowards are doing to me:
1- Unjust systematic organized community harassment/stalking, non-stop 24/7 - 365 days a year (every time I'm in the general public), negative aversive stimuli & dark NLP. This is designed to destroy my mental health and to push me over the edge.
2- Trauma based mind control technology/ Remote Neuro Influencing: Every time I go to sleep they use Synthetic telepathy in order to implant disgusting-unnatural stuff into my psyche: words, phrases, images, impulses, dream videos, etc. The idea behind this is to make me believe that those are my real thoughts when they are not (a mind rape operation). They are blasting my psyche with these electronic assaults.
Basically, these corrupt folks behind this personality disintegration program are blasting my mind every day. When I go into the streets they got agent provocateurs messing with me everywhere. And when I go to sleep, well...they got individuals that are getting paid to blast my mind with military technology. How nice, right?
This secret government program is gonna be shut down eventually. Sooner or later everyone in America is gonna find out. As of today most people in USA know that 9-11 was an inside job so eventually, everyone in America is gonna know that corrupt people in positions of power were conducting diabolical mind control experiments on innocent-harmless law abiding citizens. There has been for example a leading-edge Bill proposal in California that criminalizes organized torture via "organized stalking & electronic weapon attacks", it is called the "ORGANIZED TORTURE ACT" (by Dr Tomo Shibata). Go ahead and google it!
The folks in Law Enforcement & in the Intelligence Community, what are they gonna say to the public once the T.I. program is fully unmasked? They're gonna say that they were patriots and heroes serving a noble cause, that they were protecting America...at that time they will do their best in order to justify a multi-trillion dollar National Security Counter Terrorism/Corporate Military Intelligence/ Police State Complex. Its about power and control. Right?
"For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light."
(Luke 8:17)
Thank you again, I apologize for any inconvenience. Bye.
(Mr Nizin Rafael Lopez: Truth-seeker)
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