My name is Nizin R. Lopez, I'm a 43 year old U.S. Citizen residing in Miami/Fla and I am a targeted Individual, a victim of contract stalking and mind control neuro weapons. I've been experiencing heavy overwhelming multi-layered organized community harassment sponsored by the authorities since Jan 2011 until now, March 2019.
The unjust systematic harassment is designed to cause a nervous breakdown in the long run, I'm talking about negative aversive stimuli and dark neuro linguistic programming, trauma based mind control. Basically, the Intelligence community, law enforcement, and third party contractors using the civilian sector as irregular forces in asymmetrical warfare (they are professionals when it comes to character assassination).
Who are the operatives enlisted through community programs that constantly harass, agitate, intimidate, and terrorize the isolated target in an organized fashion? These 'agent provocateurs' are known as surveillance role players, they come from all types of social backgrounds (most of them civilians). They will use all kinds of unethical means in order to mess with the target: choreographed street theater, pedestrian mobbing, noise campaigns, orchestrated synchronicities, invasion of space, directed conversations, mimicking of gestures, engineered collisions, coordinated assaults, entrapment, etc. They will do whatever it takes in order to trigger emotional responses, they wanna keep you in a state of anxiety & hyper-vigilance (stressed out to the max). Some whistleblowers from the Intelligence Community have stated that the command station for organized stalking is the Fusion Centers.
Now, as far as the Remote Neuro Influencing technology goes, the folks in positions of power behind this inter-agency program are blasting my mind every day with military technology of Darpa flavor, they're doing this hoping to modify me against my will. I believe I've been implanted with some type of advanced neuro-nanotechnology that enables brain to computer interface. Somehow they have linked my unique brain signature to their super-computer.
I believe that throughout the years they have created a digital copy of my mind, a replica of my will, intellect, and emotions. To this day they are bombarding my psyche with synthetic telepathy, implanting artificial-disgusting unnatural stuff into my mind. The idea behind this is to make me believe that those are my real thoughts when they are not (a mind rape operation). This invasive technology is so powerful that they can even use it in order to deprive me of sleep, to keep me in a state of functional disorientation.
So, overall, we're talking here about an insidious program designed to neutralize outspoken-politically incorrect free thinkers that have been labelled as "Enemies of the State", even if they are innocent-harmless law abiding citizens that pose no real threat to anyone.
On 01/05/2019 I contacted "The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), an independent agency within the executive branch of the U.S. Government. I told them my story, that I am a targeted citizen, that I am a victim of trauma based mind control sponsored by corrupt people in the government...I told them everything. They replied on March 7, 2019. This is their response:
"Dear Mr. Lopez:
Thank you for your letter to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB). The mission of PCLOB is to ensure that efforts by the executive branch to protect the nation from terrorism are appropriately balanced with the need to protect privacy and civil liberties. As such, PCLOB does not handle individual cases, and the matters about which you contacted us would be outside of the agency's purview.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your taking the time to contact us. Sincerely, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight board, Office of Public affairs."
Basically, they're telling me that they can't do shit about it. Well, if an agency within the executive branch of the U.S. Government can't do anything, then who can? The PCLOB was established by the U.S. Congress!
I know one thing though: The folks behind this insidious personality disintegration program, one way or another they'll find the way to justify a multi-billion dollar National Security Counter Terrorism/Corporate Military Intelligence/ Police State Complex.
(Mr Nizin Rafael Lopez: Truth seeker)
im going through this myself i too am a targeted citizen being gangstalked and humiliated in public they will stop at nothing